Here is a partial list of the books that I have read that deal with various historical periods and events. I list these so that I might continue to come in contact with those that nurture the same interests as myself. My reading has also spurred me to be much more inquisitive as to the truths of some of these historical accounts. In some instances, the statement 'Truth is the first casuality' is very relevent when various readings are compared to one another. Regardless, my historical hobby is one of inspiration and pride in the military men of all nations, friend and foe alike.

Global Mission Arnold, H. Hap 1949 20C
General Billy Mitchell Woodward, Helen 1959 20C
George C. Marshall-Education of a General 1880-1939 Pogue, Forest C. 1963 20c
Moussolini Smith, Denis Mack 1982 20C
Hap Arnold and the Evoulution of American Airpower Daso, dic Alan 2000 20C
Decive 20th Century American Battles Smith, W. Thomas, Jr. 2003 20C
American Airborne Forces Smith, W. Thomas, Jr. 2004 20C
Four Stars Perry, Mark 1989 20th cent
Not So Boller, Paul F., Jr. 1995 AH
America the Last Best Hope, Vol, 1 Bennett, William J. 2006 AH
The Great Improvisation: Franklin, France and the Birth of America Schiff, Stacy 2005 Am Rev.
From Sumter to Shiloh: Battles & Leaders of the Civil War Nichols, Roy F. 1885 Civil War
The East German Rising Brant, Stefan 1955 Cold War
Epochs of Am His: Division and Reunion 1829-1889 Wilson, Woodrow 1893 CW
Campaigning with Grant Porter, Horace 1897 CW
Lincoln and the Radicals Williams, T. Harry 1941 CW
Ord1857eal of the Union: A House Dividing 1852- Nevins, Allan 1947 CW
Ordeal of the Union: Fruits of Manifest Destiny 1847-1852 Nevins, Allan 1947 CW
The Emergence of Lincoln: Douglas, Buchanan and Party Chaos 1857-1859 Nevins, Allan 1950 CW
The Emergence of Lincoln: Prologue to Civil War 1859-1861 Nevins, Allan 1950 CW
The Army of the Potomac: Glory Road Catton, Bruce 1952 CW
Andersonville Kantor, MacKinlay 1955 CW
North to Antienam, Battles & Leaders of the Civil War 1956 CW
Retreat From Gettysburg, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War Castle 1956 CW
The Way to Appomatox, Batles & Leaders of the Civil War 1956 CW
First Blood: The Story of Fort Sumter Swanberg, W. A. 1957 CW
The War for the Union: The Improvised War 1861-1862 Nevins, Allan 1959 CW
To Appomattox, Nine April Days, 1865 Davis, Burk 1959 CW
The War for the Union: War becomes Revolution 1862-1863 Nevins, Allan 1960 CW
Lincoln and Men of War Times McClure, Alexander Kelly 1962 CW
The Civil War At Charleston The News and Courier 1966 CW
The United States Army and Reconstruction, 1865-1877 1967 CW
Grant Takes Command Catton, Bruce 1968 CW
The Civil War and Reconstruction Randall, J.G. & Donald, David 1969 CW
The War for the Union: The Organized War 1863-1864 Nevins, Allan 1971 CW
The War for the Union: The Organized War 1864-1865 Nevins, Allan 1971 CW
The Trent Affair Roscoe, Theodore 1972 CW
The Generals: Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee Anderson, Nancy Scott & Anderson, Dwight 1987 CW
George B. McClellan: the Young Napoleon Sears, Stephen W. 1988 CW
Battle Maps of the Civil War O'Shea, Richard 1992 CW
Maps of the Civil War Phillips, David 1999 CW
Civil War Firsts Henig, Gerald S. & Niderost, Eric 2001 CW
War in the Falklands Stanley Times of London insight Team 1982 FALKLANDS
Letters from North America xantus, John 1857 GH
The English Copnstitution Bagehot, Walter 1867 GH
The Spirit of Laws, vol II Montesquieu, Baron de 1900 GH
The Anatomy of Revolution Brinton, Crane 1938 GH
Jim Bridger 1946 GH
Men, Ships and the Sea Villers, Alan 1963 GH
George C. Marshall-Ordeal and Hope 1939-1942 Pogue, Forest C. 1965 GH
History of the United States Army Weigley, Russell F 1967 GH
American History Atlas Gilbert, Martin 1968 GH
The Wars of America Leckie, Robert 1968 GH
Military Justice is to Justice as Military Music is to Music Sherrill, Robert 1969 GH
The Black Soldier: From the American Revolution to Vietnam David, Jay & Crane, Elaine 1971 GH
Masters of the Art of Command Blumenson, Martin & Stokesbury, James L. 1975 GH
Yesterday's Philadelphia Wilson, George 1975 GH
American Ceasar, Douglas MacArthur 1880-1964 Manchester, William 1978 GH
Acts of War: The Behavior of Men in Battle Holmes, Richard 1985 GH
The Encyclopedia of Military History Dupuy, T. N. 1986 GH
Surreptitious Entry George, Willis 1990 GH
The Collected What If? Edited by Robert Cowley 1999 GH
Why the Cocks Fight: Dominicans, Haitians & the Struggle for Hispaniola Wuker, Michele 1999 GH
Strategy Hart, B. H. Liddell  1954 HG
A History of Christianity Johnson, Paul 1976 HG
In the Company of Soldiers Atkinson, Rick 2004 IRAQ
Victory at High Tide Heinl, Robert Debs, Jr. 1968 Korea
The Korean War Hastings, Max 1987 Korea
The Templars Read, Piers Paul 1999 ME
The Trial of the Templars Barber, Malcom 1978 Mid Eval
The Making of the President 1968 White, Theodore H. 1969 Political
The Two Vietnams Fall, Bernard B. 1963 RVN
Mission in Torment Meklin, John 1965 RVN
Vietnam Witness Fall, Bernard B. 1966 RVN
Vietnam: A Political History Buttinger, Joseph 1968 RVN
Battle for Hue, Tet 1968 Nolan, Keith William 1983 RVN
Line Doggie Gadd, Charles 1987 RVN
The History 1946-75 Vietnam at War Davidson, Phillip B. 1988 RVN
The Long Gray Line Atkinson, Rick 1989 RVN
We Were Soldiers Once…And Young Moore, Harald & Galloway, Joseph L. 1992 RVN
In Retrospect McNamara, Robert S. 1995 RVN
A Better War Sorley, Lewis 1999 RVN
Unheralded Victory Woodruff, Mark W. 1999 RVN
We Are Soldiers Still Moore, Harald & Galloway, Joseph L. 2008 RVN
Da Nang Diary Yarborough, Tom, Col. 1990 RVN-+
The Easter Offensive: The Last American Advisors, Vietnam 1972 Turley, G. H., Col. USMCR [Ret.] 1985 RVN-Easter
The Bridge at Dong Ha Miller, John Grider 1989 RVN-Easter
The Battle of An Loc Willbanks, James H. 2005 RVN-Easter
Hamburger Hill, May 11-20, 1969 Zaffiri, Samuel 1988 RVN-ICORPS
The Rescue of Bat 21 Whitcomb, Darrel D. 1998 RVN-ICORPS
Lest We Forget Meacham, William C. 1999 RVN-ICORPS
The Nightingale's Song Timberg, Robert 1995 RVN-Post
Truth is the First Casualty Goulden, Joseph C. 1969 RVN-Tonkin
Twilight War Moore, Mike 2008 TECH
Road to War, America 1914-1917 Millis, Walter 1935 WW1
The Citizen Soldiers, Plattsburg Training Camp Movement, '13-'20 Clifford, John Garry 1972 WW1
Flame On!: U.S. Incendiary Weapons, 1918-1945 Mountcastle, John W. 1999 WW1/WW2
The First World War Keegan, John 1998 WW1-E
See Here, Private Hargrove Hargrove, Marion 1942 WW2
On Active Service in Peace and War Stimson, Henry L. & Bundy, McGeorge 1947 WW2
Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History Sherwood, Robert E. 1948 WW2
Corps Commander (Sir Brian Horrocks) Horrocks, Sir Brian 1977 WW2
War Stories III North, Oliver 2005 WW-2
Operation Victory de Guingand, Francis 1947 WW2- A,E
The Battle for Guadalcanal Griffith, Samual B II 1963 WW2- P GC
Kasserine: The Battlefield Slaughter of American troops by Rommel's AK Whiting, Charles 1984 WW2-A
Operation Torch: The Allied Gamble to Invade North Africa Breuer, William B. 1985 WW2-A
Assassination in Algiers Verrier, Anthony 1990 WW2-A
An Army at Dawn Atkinson, Rick 2002 WW2-A
Crusade in Europe, Dwight D. Eisenhower Eisenhower, Dwight D. 1948 WW2-A,E
The German Generals Talk Hart, B. H. Liddell  1948 WW2-A,E, RF
Calculated Risk Clark, Mark W. 1950 WW2-AE
Bradley: A Soldier's Story Bradley, Omar N. 1951 WW2-AE
Black May Gannon, Michael 1989 WW2-Atlantic
Operation Drumbeat Gannon, Michael 1990 WW2-Atlantic
The Defeat of the German U-Boats: The Battle of the Atlantic Syrett, David 1994 WW2-Atlantic
Combined Operations: The Official Story of the Commandos St. George Saunders, H. 1943 WW2-E
The Six Weeks' War Draper, Theodore 1944 WW2-E
Defeat in the West Shulman, Milton 1947 WW2-E
Normandy to the Baltic Montgomery, Gen. 1948 WW2-E
The Second World War,Thee Gathering Storm Churchhill, Winston 1948 WW2-E
The Second World War, Their Finest Hour Churchhill, Winston 1949 WW2-E
The Second World War, The Grand Alliance Churchhill, Winston 1950 WW2-E
The Second World War, The Hinge of Fate Churchhill, Winston 1950 WW2-E
The Second World War, Closing the Ring Churchhill, Winston 1951 WW2-E
Return Ticket Deane-Drummond, Anthony 1953 WW2-E
The Second World War, Triumph and Tragedy Churchhill, Winston 1953 WW2-E
The Man Who Never Was Montagu, Ewen 1954 WW2-E
US Army in WW2, ETO, The Supreme Command Pogue, Forest C. 1954 WW2-E
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich Shirer, William L.` 1959 WW2-E
The Duel For France 1944 Blumenson, Martin 1963 WW2-E
Inside Hitler's Headquarters Warlimont, Walter 1964 WW2-E
Intelligence at the Top Strong, Sir Kenneth 1968 WW2-E
Inside the Third Reich Speer, Albert 1970 WW2-E
The Double-Cross System Masterman, J. C. 1972 WW2-E
The Eagle Squadrons: Yanks in the RAF Haugland, Vern 1979 WW2-E
Skorzeny: Hitler's Commando Infield, Glenn B. 1981 WW2-E
Victory in Normandy Belchem, David 1981 WW2-E
The Other Battle of the Bulge: Operation Northwind Whiting, Charles 1986 WW2-E
Patton's Last Battle Whiting, Charles 1987 WW2-E
Bitter Victory d' Este, Carlo 1988 WW2-E
Gaston's War Mayer, Allan 1988 WW2-E
The Battle of the Generals Blumenson, Martin 1993 WW2-E
My War Rooney, Andy 1995 WW2-E
Citizen Soldiers Ambros, Stephen E. 1997 WW2-E
The Hitler of History Lukacs, John 1997 WW2-E
Patton: Operation Cobra and Beyond Green, Michael & Gladys 1998 WW2-E
Arnhem Harvey, A. D. 2001 WW2-E
The Wild Blue Ambros, Stephen E. 2001 WW2-E
The Atlantic Wall Wilt, Alan F. 2004 WW2-E
Blitzkrieg: in Their Own Words Guderian, Heinz 2005 WW2-E
The Boys of Pointe Du Hoc Brinkley, Douglas 2005 WW2-E
Utah Beach, D-Day, June 6, 1944 Balkoski, Joseph 2005 WW2-E
You Can't Get Much Closer Than This Adkins, A.Z. & Adkins, A.Z. III 2005 WW2-E
The Last Days of Hitler Trevor-Roper, H.R. 1946 WW2-E 
A Time for Trumpets: Battle of the Bulge MacDonald, Charles B. 1885 WW2-E  Bulge
The Glider Gang Dank, Milton 1977 WW2-E A
Master of the Battlefield: Monty's War Years 1942-1944 Hamilton, Nigel 1983 WW2-E A
Malmedy Massacre Gallagher, Richard 1964 WW2-E Belgium
Massacre at Malmedy Whiting, Charles 1971 WW2-E Belgium
The Miracle of Dunkirk Lord, Walter 1982 WW2-E Belgium
The Last Battle Ryan, Cornelius 1966 WW2-E Berlin
Voices from the Bunker Galante, Pierre & Silianoff, Eugene 1989 WW2-E Berlin
The Fall of Berlin 1945 Beevor, Antony 2002 WW2-E Berlin
Battle: The Story of the Bulge Toland, John 1959 WW2-E Bulge
A Blood Dimmed Tide Astor, Gerald 1992 WW2-E Bulge
Battle of the Bulge: The First 24 Hours Jordan, David 2003 WW2-E Bulge
Cross Channel Attack Harrison, Gordon A. 1950 WW2-E D-Day
Dress Rehearsal: The Story of Dieppe Reynolds, Quentin 1943 WW2-E France
Forty-Eight Hours to Hammelburg Whiting, Charles 1970 WW2-E Ger
Bloody Aachen Whiting, Charles 1976 WW2-E Ger
Raid!: the Untold Story of Patton's Secret Mission Baron Richard 1981 WW2-E Ger
Voices From the Thrid Reich Schmidt, Helmut 1989 WW2-E Ger
The Battle for Antwerp Moulton, J. L. 1978 WW2-E Holland
The Labrinth, Memoirs of Walter Schellenberg Schellenberg, Walter 1956 WW2-E Intell
Up Front Mauldin, Bill 1945 WW2-E M 
Airborne Carpet: Operation Market Garden Farrar-Hockley, Anthony 1969 WW2-E MG\
Dropzone Normandy Crookenden, Napier 1976 WW2-E Normandy
The Killing Grounhd, The Battle of the Falaise Gap, Aug 1944 Lucas, James & Barker, James 1978 WW2-E Normandy
Six Armies in Normandy Keegan, John 1982 WW2-E Normandy
Decision in Normandy D'Este, Carlo 1983 WW2-E Normandy
D-Day Ambros, Stephen E. 1994 WW2-E Normandy
Omaha Beach, D-Day, June 6, 1944 Balkoski, Joseph 2004 WW2-E Normandy
The Bravest Battle: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Kurzman, Dan 1976 WW2-E Poland
The Battle for Stalingrade Hoyt, Edwin P. 1993 WW2-E RF
The Battle of Kursk Glantz, David M. & House, Jonathan M. 1999 WW2-E RF
Herbert Biderman, Gottlob  2000 WW2-E Rf
The Bitter Woods, The Battle of the Bulge Eisenhower, John S. D.  1969 WW2-E uulge
The Story of the Second World War Commager, Henry Steele 1945 WW2-G
The Story of World War II Commager, Henry Steele 1945 WW2-G
As He Saw It Roosevelt, Elliott 1946 WW2-G
The Struggle for Europe Wilmot, Chester 1952 WW2-G
Triumph in the West Bryant, Arthur 1959 WW2-G
Reader's Digest Ill. Story of World War II 1969 WW2-G
Wild Bill Donovan, The Last Hero Brown, Anthony Cave 1982 WW2-G
The Second World War Keegan, John 1989 WW2-G
Churchill's Generals Keegan, John-edited by 1991 WW2-G
Winged Victory, The AAF in WW2 Perret, Geoffrey 1993 WW2-G
Duty, Honor, Applause, America's Entertainers in WW2 Bloomfield, Gary & Shain, Stacie L. 2004 WW2-G
The Longest Battle Yeide, Harry 2005 WW2-G
The Rome Escape Line Derry, Sam L. 1960 WW2-M
The Fall of Crete Clark, Alan 1962 WW2-M
Anzio: The Gamble that Failed Blumenson, Martin 1963 WW2-M
Rome Fell Today Adleman, Robert H. & Walton, George 1968 WW2-M
Ultra and Mediterranean Strategy Bennett, Ralph 1989 WW2-M
The Black Devil Brigade Springer, Joseph A. 2001 WW2-M
Day of Battle, The war in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944 Atkinson, Rick 2007 WW2-M
Day of Infamy Lord, Walter 1957 WW2-P
Abandon Ship! Newcomb, Richard F. 1958 WW2-P
Get Yamamoto Davis, Burk 1969 WW2-P
The Rising Sun Toland, John 1970 WW2-P
Double Edged Secrets Holmes, W. J. 1979 WW2-P
The Reluctant Admiral Hiroyuki, Agawa 1979 WW2-P
The First Heros (Doolittle Raid) Nelson, Craig 2002 WW2-P
Lightning Strike Davis, Donald 2005 WW2-P
Shattered Sword, The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway Parshall, Jonathan & Tully, Anthony 2006 WW2-P
Guadalcanal Diary Tregaskis, Richard 1943 WW2-P GC
No Bended Knee, Momoir of Gen. Merrill B. Twining Twining, Merrill B. 1996 WW2-P GC
Alone On Goadalcanal Clemens, Martin 1998 WW2-P GC
The Battle That Doomed Japan: The japanese Navy's Story Fuchida, Mitsuo & Okumiya, Masatake 1955 WW2-P Midway
Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision Wohistetter, Roberta 1962 WW2-P PH
At Dawn We Slept Prang, Gordon W. 1981 WW2-P PH
The Coast Watchers Feldt, Eric A., Commander, R.A.N. 1946

WW2-P Solomans


danyomusic101@comcast.net        303-875-7932
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